We all can SOAR.. It is up to you as to how High ~

We all can SOAR.. It is up to you as to how High ~

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ghost pepper will make you want to die !!!

Our Entire family Loves Hot peppers. The Bhut Jolokia or Ghost pepper is one that I have not tried yet & not sure I ever will. It is the Worlds Hottest Pepper.

Bhut Jolokia Pepper, (Ghost Pepper)was recognized by Guinness Book of World Records in 2007 as the Worlds hottest Pepper. This Chili pepper is grown in North Eastern India state of Assam. This is no regular hot pepper measuring at a rating of 1,041,427 Scoville heat units, the Bhut Jolokia is deadly hot. It is said to be hotter than you can imagine.

The Ghost Pepper is used as a spice in food or eaten alone. One seed from a Bhut Jolokia can cause intense pain sensations in the mouth for up to 30 minutes. It is sometimes used as a cure for stomach ailments. The Peppers are even used to keep wild elephants way from villages. In 2009 scientists at India's Defense Research and Development Organization found that they could make hand grenades with the Ghost Pepper. The chiles are a non-lethal way to control rioters.

This is good news for this remote region of India. The export possibilities are tremendous. I first saw this pepper mentioned on a television show called "Man vs Food". I was curious as to why the challenger could only eat 2 of his 6 ghost pepper hot wings. So I goggled the ghost pepper & Wow what a cool Plant.

You can check out this video to view someone enduring his own challenge of eating a raw Bhut Jolokia pepper. He proclaims that it kicked his butt..